ZF English

New Austerity Measures in 2011 Means This Year’s Decisions Weren’t Right – Romania’s Deputy PM

30.12.2010, 12:29 15

Romania's deputy Prime Minister and Democratic Union ofHungarians in Romania (URMR) leader Marko Bela said Thursday on RFIRomania that, if new austerity measures are required in 2011, itmeans all efforts made in 2010 "came to nothing", says Mediafax.

"The measures taken in 2010 were broadly right. Of course, ourdiscussions always focused on social protection," said MarkoBela.

He added politicians sometimes hesitated when it came to takingurgent measures and were not always "operative".

"There are situations when measures must be taken as soon aspossible if you are convinced they are essential (…) On the otherhand, this year we have not been sufficiently concerned withinvestments and measures to stimulate economy," said the deputyprime minister. Read more on www.mediafax.ro.

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