ZF English

Philips finishes 20m-euro contract

29.03.2005, 00:00 7

Philips has finalised a contract to supply medical equipment to the Bagdasar-Arseni Neurosurgery Excellence Centre worth nearly 20 million euros. "Most of the equipment supplied to the institution was made by Philips, which also acted as integrator for equipment made by other companies," said Nicolae Boca, the company's service manager. He did not reveal the exact value of the Philips products. The total value of the project including construction was 31 million euros. Philips' partners in this contract were Inter-Medico (Germany), which provided the local management for the project, Bog'Art Germany, which built the building, Simed International (Netherlands), which acted as integrator in the supply of non-Philips equipment, and Elekta Instrument (Sweden), the supplier of the first Leksell Gamma Knife system in Romania. ZF


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