ZF English

Output and prices up

30.09.2003, 00:00 6

The managers in the main economy sectors (industry, constructions and retail) are optimistic about the companies they run. They anticipate an increase in output, sales and number of orders in the next three months, but also a rise in prices. A survey conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INS) this month shows the processing industry will still witness an upward activity trend over the next few months. This trend is backed by the output growth in the last three months, but also by maintaining excess finished product inventories. The opinions of the managers also show the number of employees will maintain across the processing industry in the next three months. The companies employing more than 500 people may shed jobs, but the small and medium-sized enterprises will make up for the layoffs, as they anticipate they will be hiring people. Most of the managers in the retail business in their turn say they expect economic conditions to be favourable over the next three months. They anticipate growth in orders to suppliers in September, with supplying largely conducted locally, but also in form of imports. As for the constructions sector, the managers in this industry expect improvement over the next period, even though not at the same pace as before. The number of employees is estimated to maintain in this industry, too. ZF


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