ZF English

Hotel prices too high

16.09.2004, 00:00 10

Hotels in Romania will not make any significant price increases at any time soon, as they are already too high in light of the demand on the market and buying power of their clients, the representatives of the hotel industry feel. "The market cannot take any more price increases for now. Even though the number of tourists has gone up slightly, there is no reason to increase tariffs. Hotels in Romania are already operating higher prices than those in neighbouring countries," stated Paul Marasoiu, chairman of the hotel consulting firm Peacock Global Hotel Management. Marasoiu says the average net price for Bucharest's three star hotels is 55-58 euros/room, no breakfast included, while the average stands at 42-44 euros (or even 33-35 in the off-season) in Prague and about 50 euros in Budapest. ZF


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