ZF English

Eurisko's turnover exceeds expectations

23.01.2008, 18:30 9

Real estate consulting company Eurisko, one of the main players in its field on the Romanian market, posted turnover worth 14.3 million euros last year, up by over 100% against 2006, and intends to reach revenues worth 25 million euros this year. "For a series of investments in which we were involved, such as Fabian's or DEGi's acquisitions, we collected the money at the end of the year, which is when these transactions were in fact concluded. Revenues we collected from brokering residential and commercial transactions have exceeded our expectations," said Radu Lucianu, managing partner at Eurisko Consulting. Eurisko derived a 5.7 million-euro turnover in 2006, and predicted business worth around 12 million euros at the beginning of last year. The figure was confirmed in November, but ultimately predictions were exceeded by around 20%. Eurisko now has around 120 employees, which includes administrative personnel, a 50% increase on the 81 employees recorded at the beginning of 2007. "There will be further personnel increases, but they will be moderate, by around 15%, because we want to strengthen our existing resources."

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