ZF English

Estima Finance and Motoractive share manager

14.05.2007, 18:18 16

The executive management of Estima Finance, a consumer finance company acquired by the American giant GE Money at the end of 2006, was taken over at the beginning of the month by Stefan Coroianu. As a result, Coroianu now takes charge of both Estima Finance and Motoractive Leasing, which is also under the ownership of GE Money. "There was only one change at the level of team management. Stefan Coroianu took over the position of chief executive of Estima Finance, after Mihnea Mocanu decided to take on a new professional challenge by developing a new business as CEO, a business where he also holds a significant percentage of the shares," Mark Hampson, integration leader of GE Money, told ZF. Coroianu will keep his position as CEO of Motoractive, and will be supported in his activity by Felicia Relenschi. She was appointed in the position of interim chief executive of GE Money's car leasing division at the beginning of May. Motoractive funded goods worth 150 million euros last year, and estimates that this year it will reach its target of funding 200 million-euros.

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