ZF English

100m euros more for Bechtel

06.06.2006, 00:00 5

The Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism intends to supplement the funds allocated to the building of the Bucharest - Bors highway for this year with 100 million euros, increasing the budget of the American construction company Bechtel to 200 million dollars. "I will meet with the president of Bechtel next week in order to discuss supplementing the funds by 100 million euros. However, we have to see if the American company is able to perform the works with 200 million euros by the end of this year," stated the minister of transports, Gheorghe Dobre at the end of last week. The Ministry of Public Finances has recently closed a credit contract with two international banks to get funding worth 100 million euros for payments to Bechtel. The Ministry of Transport has already transferred a down payment of 30 million euros to the account of the American company. "We have already transferred a 30 million-euro instalment to Bechtel''s accounts. The company is bound by contract to start work within 45 days from the transfer of the funds, but things will get going sooner than that," said Dobre. ZF

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