ZF English

Atisreal: real estate deals affected by international crisis

28.03.2008, 20:20 9

The segment of real estate deals in Romania is the worst hit by the international financial crisis, because investors are having trouble securing funding from international banks, Ioana Momiceanu, managing director of Atisreal, part of BNP Paribas stated. "When we are talking about the influence of the international financial crisis on the Romanian market, we have to look at each segment differently. The most affected segment, which is temporarily frozen, is the investment segment, that is capital transactions. Those looking to buy with money from international banks no longer have access to that money because banks have a wait-and-see approach about lending. On the rest of the segments - residential, office, industrial, hospitals, hotels, there is a lot of work to do," said Momiceanu in the official announcement of French Atisreal's entry on the market. In her opinion, on all the other segments, demand that keeps above supply will lead to an upward trend on the market.

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