ZF English

Aker Braila to build another two ships worth 20m euros

11.08.2006, 18:38 8

Aker Braila shipyard, part of Aker Yards Norwegian group, is going to build two ships worth 20m euros together for Maritima French ship owner, reads a company release. Delivery deadlines for the two ships are March and June 2008. Aker Yards, one of the world's biggest ship builders, has secured numerous orders for the two shipyards it owns in Romania over the past two years, with the value of the respective orders ranging between 30 and 150 million euros. For most of these orders, the shipyards in Braila and Tulcea built only the ship bodies, with the ships being equipped in Norway. Aker Braila plans to deliver a total mass of 31,000 tonnes this year, two times bigger than in 2005. Last year, the company posted revenues worth 60.6m euros, up 90% compared with 2004. The shipyard has received orders covering its entire production capacity by the end of this year.

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