Businesspeople sceptical about new economic recovery plan

Autor: Iulian Anghel 14.07.2010

The new plan to resume economic growth, which will be announced next week is, in theory, meant to come to the aid of businesspeople in the sense that, if the state does not help them, it should at least not take what is theirs. But if it played fair, the state should also take on the losses, not just the gains, so economic analysts and businesspeople have taken a wait and see approach.
The plan is currently discussed on a political level within the ruling coalition, and needs to be assumed by the Government in order to become law. But how will the Finance Ministry approach the measures contained in this plan, which, at a first glance, would strip them of certain resources?
According to a draft version of the plan, a private company indebted to the state can offset the debts by the amounts owed to it by the state, which could apply in the case of VAT repayment for instance. Analysts and businesspeople agree that this is a very good measure. But there is one big question mark: Will the Finance Ministry accept this measure, as well as that of the state being penalised if it does not pay its debts on time?