Leasing companies start to sell repossessed buildings and land

Ziarul Financiar 01.10.2009
Leasing companies have put up for sale several dozens of buildings and plots repossessed from clients who could no longer pay their instalments, after in the past year they had focused on reselling repossessed vehicles and equipment, whose overall number exceeded 10,000. Two leasing companies, Marfin and TBI, published sales ads for commercial space, industrial facilities and plots of land on their websites. The leasing market has in the past year witnessed a spate of repossessions from clients no longer able to make their payments. The buildings and plots put up for sale are relatively few compared with the amount of vehicles and equipment made available, considering that funding for the real estate sector accounts for just 20% of the leasing market. The most expensive buildings put up for sale include a store in Braila, at a price of 866,000 euros (all prices do not include VAT), a building near Ploiesti, at 431,000 euros and a commercial space in northern Bucharest, at 401,500 euros, all of which repossessed by Marfin Leasing.