Kazakhs open the first Litro filling station

Ziarul Financiar 25.08.2009

The new owner of Rompetrol oil group, Kazakhstan's KazMunaiGaz, yesterday opened its first filling station on Autostrada Soarelui (Sun Highway - A2) under Litro brand, a brand under which Rompetrol's retail expansion will be operated from now on. The filling station is located at km 139 and is the first concrete step notifying the shareholder structure change at Rompetrol, being also a sign of the presence of a new player on the market. On average, investments in a large filling station amount to 1.5-2m euros. According to the new shareholders, Rompetrol's future development domestically will be operated under Litro brand and some Rompetrol filling stations may be modernised and turned into Litro filing stations.