La Caixa could pay over 70m euros for Libra Bank

Ziarul Financiar 14.05.2008
American investment fund Broadhurst will collect over 70 million euros from the sale to Spanish group La Caixa of several stakes, which together make up 100%, of Libra Bank's capital, say banking sources. According to the available data, Libra had overall assets worth 630 million RON (almost 175 million euros) in December last year. Contacted by ZF, Siminel Andrei, CEO of NCH Advisors - which manages the local operations of the fund, did not wish to make any comment. The quoted sources say the bank was sold "at a cheap price", with Andrei being in the process of exiting several of the businesses he had invested in over the last few years, having gained around 500 million euros from transactions since 2007.