BBDO Romania's new chief executive plans to open new agencies

Ziarul Financiar 23.06.2008
BBDO Romania, the second largest communication group on the local market, has gone through major management-level changes since the beginning of this year, the most important of which has been the appointment of a new CEO at the end of May. Nora Marcovici (45), the new CEO, told ZF that her new position was made possible by her ten-year experience on the media market, her main goal being to develop BBDO Romania. "We will consolidate our business by rendering our current services more effective and more diverse, and by enhancing our capabilities. At present, many rely on new media, and our clients are demanding such services more and more. There is room for developing direct marketing a great deal, or any other form of marketing we don't currently have," said Nora Marcovici. She says the stage of launching new agencies will start this year and estimates the first positive financial results will be visible next year, with their impact to be much heavier in 2010.