Roland Berger: 130m-euro management consulting market

Ziarul Financiar 01.02.2007
The management consulting market will reach a value of about 130 million euros this year, given the projected 15-20% growth pace, says Codrut Pascu, managing director of the Romanian office of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. "We estimate the market growth pace will be 15-20%, making the projected value this year stand at some 120-130 million euros, if IT and human resources consulting segments are taken into account," stated Codrut Pascu. At the same time, strategic consulting and operational management consulting will probably stand at around 25-30 million euros this year, specified Pascu. In 2006, the value of the management consulting market exceeded 100 million euros. The upward trend of the management consulting market was triggered by an increase in demand from both Romanian companies and from public institutions. The possible effects of accession to the European Union may have on the consulting market will not be apparent immediately after January 1. More likely, the impact, be it good or bad, will become clear at the beginning of next year. "The direct effects of EU accession on the demand for such services will only become fully evident starting next year, when structural funds will genuinely start to be accessed, and competitive pressure on Romanian companies will intensify, generating a need for external management assistance," says Pascu.