Almost 1 million Romanians have two jobs

Ziarul Financiar 07.02.2007
Nearly 900,000 Romanians worked two jobs in the third quarter of last year (according to the latest available data), with the number probably approaching the one million-mark at the end of 2006, according to a survey conducted by ZIARUL FINANCIAR. Romania's working population stands at some 10 million people, which means that one in ten working Romanians has a second job, almost always spurred by the desire to supplement one's income; say representatives of the human resources consulting market. The number of employees in the economy stood at 4,953,000 in the third quarter of last year, according to data from the National Statistics Institute. The number of active employment contracts stood at 5,835,000, as published by the Labour Inspection Office subordinated to the Labour Ministry. The subtraction between the two statistics indicates the number of people with two jobs, 882,000, for the third quarter of 2006. Compared with the level seen at the beginning of 2005, the number of people with two jobs rose by about a third.