ING pushes interest rate below 7%

Ziarul Financiar 24.05.2006
ING Bank cut half a percentage point from the interest rate of mortgage credits in euros, bringing it to 6.75% a year. The move comes at a time when drops in the interest rate seemed to be a thing of the past, after the increase in the minimum foreign currency reserves, to which expectations regarding the increase in the interest rate for euros by the European Central Bank were added. The ING thus enters the narrow circle of players who operate an interest rate of less than 7% a year for credits in euros, after this mark was first broken last autumn by Alpha Bank. In the meantime, several banks, among which BCR, HVB and Bancpost, lowered their interest rates to comparable levels, while Volksbank, a player with an aggressive price strategy, brought the nominal interest rate at a minimum 5.95% per year. ING did not modify interest rates for mortgage credits in RON, which remained at 9% per year. Clients who want to take out a mortgage credit in euros from ING must be at least 25 years old and have a net income per family of 750 euros per month. ZF