OMV appoints Austrian head at Petrom

Autor: Adrian Mirsanu 17.12.2004

Austrian Werner Schinhan, 47, will fill the most important position at the helm of oil company Petrom, which was taken over by Austria's OMV group.

Werner Schinhan has been a Senior Vice President and head of the Corporate Development and Policy Department of OMV since 2002. Schinhan is the only Austrian in the top-management of the Austrian group to have roots in Romania, with his mother originating from Banat, according to sources within the group.

Schinhan and Hilmar Kroat-Reder were appointed on Tuesday by OMV as interim managers at Petrom, with their mandates to end in mid-January, when the new management board and managing committee are to be instated. The other interim manager of Petrom, Kroat Reder, is only 33 and leads the Mergers and Acquisitions Department, as well as the Legal Affairs division.

Subsequently, Werner Schinhan will take over the position of deputy general manager, in charge with corporate development activities, corporate affairs, treasury and chemical products.

Gheorghe Constantinescu will retain the position of general executive manager, but his attributions will only be linked to communications, human resources, health, environment safety and protection. Moreover, Gheorghe Constantinescu will also hold the position of Managing Committee chairman.

The Managing Committee will include four OMV representatives-Werner Schinhan, Reinhard Pichler (finance officer), Werner Ladwein (exploration and production) and Tamas Mayer (trading), while Petrom will bring in Gheorghe Constantinescu and Florin Constantinescu (the former head of the crude oil and gas processing department).

Petrom shareholders will endorse the structure of the new management board, to be comprised of four OMV representatives - Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer (general executive manager with OMV), Gerhard Roiss (deputy general executive manager, in charge with OMV refining and marketing activities), David C. Davies (finance officer) and Helmut Langanger (head of exploration and production), with two members to be designated by the Romanian government and one independent member.

OMV on Tuesday finalised the takeover of 51% in the share capital of Petrom.

The Austrian group paid 669 million euros to the Economy and Trade Ministry for the direct purchase of a 33.34% stake in Petrom stock and contributed another 830 million euros to the share capital raise operation through which it gained the majority participation.