BenQ business tops 10m euros

Ziarul Financiar 29.08.2006
BenQ Romania posted a turnover worth 8.2 million euros in the first seven months of the year, stated Michael Borze, general manager for Central and Eastern Europe. "As a matter of fact, our turnover has now reached some 10 million euros and we hope it will grow to 17 million euros by the end of the year," stated Costel Grozav, a consultant with BenQ Romania. The company sells LCD monitors, projectors, photo cameras, accessories and storage media on the local market. BenQ ranked first on the LCD monitor market in the second quarter in terms of units sold, climbing from third in the first quarter. In the first six months of the year, BenQ also had a 33% quantitative market share on the projector market, which placed it first on this segment, according to company officials. Som e 60% of BenQ Romania's revenues are generated by the LCD monitors and another 15% are generated by projectors.